A: The abstraction in flat prints, the dynamics captured in stillness, the sublime and the mundane, the vibrancy and serenity of the color palette, the freshness and joie de vivre of his portraits and manga…Such a genius and a constant source of inspiration…Gonna play Debussy the whole night and can’t wait for tmr’s exhibit!
很法式黑色幽默嘅另類犯罪電影絕命阿婆go go go年邁嘅Paulette獨自一人住在巴黎郊區微薄嘅退休金令佢就嚟吃都無啖好吃於是為咗賺錢俾佢唸到條絕世好橋--去販毒Paulette之前系糕點師出身靠著天生嘅商人本性和廚藝才能為佢新「卫平和淑蓉全文免费阅读」搵到別出心裁方案嘅殺手鐧--大麻蛋糕就咁老土阿婆帶埋班姊妹們有勇無懼咁同班古惑仔打起交道輕鬆搵銀之余仲盞鬼、詼諧地化解了重重險境「成为全校公交车的日常生活」成員Anémone同Dominique Lavanant多年後再度攜手合作默契滿滿笑果十足有當年「成为全校公交车的日常生活」笑片嘅風範