好看就好看在每个人都有自己的解读和最爱贾木许完全是我的点笑果和伤感都可以感知色调和音乐全部是加分佐料抽烟的场景都美到绝最喜欢巴黎的盲女我用身上的每一个毛孔感受爱纽约的随性也很好笑最好玩的一段居然是炸鸡叔赫尔辛基的阿基风格悲伤的故事到跌坐在雪地彻底戳到洛杉矶不是所有人都想当影星吉娜拥有令人惊艳的美要加入补片计划贝尼尼话唠不改好吵啊哈哈总觉得神父是为了不听他胡扯才出此下策的地球的夜晚看这个片的我有了莫名的幸福感竟然是九一年的简直不可思议越想越觉得喜欢从四星改到五星/ I don’t care what he does. As long as he loves me right. With his soul. Takes me for who I am.
电影台词:It's the sense of touch. In any real city, you walk, you know? You brush past people, people bump into you. In L.A., nobody touches you. We're always behind this metal and glass. so much, that we crash into each other,just so we can feel something