When the horizon's at the bottom, it's interesting. When the horizon's at the top, it's interesting. When the horizon's in the middle, it's boring as shit. Now, good luck to you. And get the fuck out of my office!
甜姨Doris Day简直是理想的妻子和母亲没想到演得这么好剧院紧张纠结和最后用歌声呼唤孩子的坚定充满穿透力斯图尔特best Jimmy ever(此处有吉米欧阳)两人演夫妻配合得天衣无缝优势互补无限信任3D肉蒲团还有温馨和爱意希区柯克再次让人意识到最难的时刻一定得有爱人在身旁()男主说了两次I don't know how else to do darling, 但每个决策都是在几秒钟内做出的而且从不动摇谁嫁了这样的人不愿意无限信任和依靠啊