跑楼梯跑走廊太有attack the block的范噜~丧尸浪翻滚在大广场大马路上的戏特别带感~没看过查两季的不许说瞪姐难看(只有我们漏粉才有资格说
"It's really hard to tell the story of a love story that in the end is still a love story. It didn't end because they stopped loving each other, it ended because circumstance stood in their way, and that circumstance was their own growth and that's a wonderful thing." Alexis和Ted最后一场戏拍完剧组在现场的竟然看哭了还有最后读稿日和杀青的时候六年的拍摄七年的写稿泪目这真的是一个特别有爱的剧组小雪尝禁果又粗又大的中国地图每个cast都有很强的共情能力感谢Schitt's Creek给我带来这么多的欢乐和勇气喜欢里面的每一个角色